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Be careful, excess sugar can interfere with child growth and development

Children's food or snacks tend to have a sweet taste, whereas sugar consumption in children needs to be limited. Excessive sugar intake in children can have a negative impact on health, including affecting the growth and development. Unwittingly, many foods and drinks consumed by children contain high levels of sugar. For example packaged fruit juices, biscuits, candy, cakes, soft drinks, to tomato sauce. In addition, the sugar content in milk for children also needs to be considered, especially in packaged milk that has various types of artificial flavorings. Parents should give milk without or low sugar to avoid the bad effects of excess sugar on children.

Impact of excess sugar on children

Actually sugar is one source of energy needed by the body. But in excess levels, sugar can actually backfire and can endanger the health of children. Risks to health also increase, if the habit of consuming excess sugar is allowed to mature. Here are some of the dangers of excessive sugar intake in children that can happen:
  • Tooth decay

  • When food containing sugar sticks to the teeth, tooth decay can occur. Especially if your child is not accustomed to cleaning his teeth regularly, properly and correctly.
  • Being obese

  • Based on a study, 8 out of 100 children in Indonesia suffer from obesity. The causes of obesity in children can vary, ranging from lack of physical activity, habits of consuming unhealthy foods, including excessive sugar consumption. In the long run, obesity can lead to heart disease, cholesterol and high blood pressure, bone disorders, and mental disorders, such as being more prone to stress and lack of confidence.
  • Suffering from diabetes

  • Not only does it increase the risk of obesity, excessive sugar consumption in children can also increase the risk of developing diabetes.

How to Limit the Portion of Sugar in Children

Parents need to know the portion of sugar that is safe for children. Children aged 2-18 years, only allowed to get less than 25 grams or 6 teaspoons of added sugar per day. Sugar consumption should not exceed 10% of total daily calories. It is recommended to get children used to consuming various sources of carbohydrates that contain natural sugars, such as vegetables, fruit, and milk. However, milk should also be given carefully to children. To prevent the adverse effects of excess sugar intake on children, parents can give 0% sucrose or sugar-free milk. In addition, parents should also pay attention to the nutritional content in milk that is given to the Little One. For example in children aged 1-3 years, it needs to be given growth milk with complete nutrition to support growth and development. In addition to sugar-free, it is important to choose milk that contains a variety of nutrients that can support the growth of your child, such as:
  • DHA

  • When choosing milk for children, choose milk that contains DHA. Because the content of DHA can help brain development and cognitive abilities of children properly.
  • Beta glucan

  • The content of beta glucan contained in milk can increase endurance of children.
  • Vitamin B complex

  • Growth milk that contains various types of B vitamins, ranging from B2, B3, B3, B6, to B12, brings various kinds of health benefits for children. In addition to improving the body's metabolic system, these vitamins are also good for nervous health and the blood circulation system.
  • Prebiotics

  • The content of prebiotics such as PDX-GOS in milk, is important for maintaining the health of the digestive tract of your child. Prebiotics are a source of nutrients for good bacteria in digestion.
  • Zinc

  • Choose milk containing zinc which is needed in growing children. Zinc intake that is not sufficiently well can inhibit the growth of children and cause underweight.
It is important for parents to pay attention to adequate sugar intake in children. However, avoid excessive sugar intake so as not to interfere with growth and development. Also teach children to eat foods with balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and adequate rest. If necessary, consult with a pediatrician, to get the right recommendations in meeting the nutritional needs of children.


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